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How long are the cosmetology and esthetics programs?

The cosmetology program is 1500 hours. The esthetics program is 600 hours.

The State of South Carolina requires 450 hours of education, and passing the required testing, to become a licensed Esthetician. Our school requires that you obtain 600 hours of education to complete our program. The Esthetician curriculum below compares the amount of hours required by South Carolina, in each category, compared to our school’s requirements for completion.

The rationale for providing a longer program is based on the following:

  • Many states require a minimum of 600 hours to become licensed. This allows for our graduates to receive reciprocity in those states without having to obtain more hours.
  • We provide a business curriculum to our students as part of the Esthetics program. The program teaches the students to be more salon/spa ready upon graduation. This program is a 12-20 week course. Our curriculum for Esthetics was increased by 150 hours to add this program alone.
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